"Better for You" Food Industry News
Food trends are always changing, but there has one clear pattern we have been seeing in recent years: classic snacks reinvented as "better-for-you" alternatives. The healthy snack market is currently valued at $85.6 billion and is continuing to gain momentum...
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As a global producer and exporter of commodities such as oils, natural gas, and metal, the ongoing Ukrainian crisis has led to economic turmoil and supply disruptions all over the world. The food industry, in specific, is one of the...
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As shown at Expo West, consumer trends and perceptions of food have changed in recent years. Consumers are now more holistic with their snack search, looking for healthier ingredients that support not only their physical health but also their mental...
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After two years of COVID pandemic-related isolation in the food industry, Expo West is back in person this year with a vengeance! Nearly 3,000 companies are exhibiting here in Anaheim, California, a few blocks away from Disneyland. And this year,...
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Ever crave the snacks you had when you were a kid? Many millennials are now young adults who are yearning for a part of their childhood while trying to stay conscious of their health and wellbeing. Stemming from this “nostalgia”,...
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