In order to display the phrase Plant-Based on your bars and/or use the YouBar facility's formal Plant-Based Logo (see image), YouBar must perform internal quality assurance compliance checks to ensure accuracy and validity. The cost for YouBar to do this is $395 annually per SKU (flavor), inclusive of all of YouBar’s QA work.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This package is only available to clients who have worked with YouBar’s R&D team to create a bar utilizing strictly plant-based ingredients. If your bars do not currently meet these requirements, but you would like them to, then please get in touch with YouBar’s development team (email Emily at in order to engage recipe reformulation prior to submitting a request for Plant-Based label claim status. It is not possible for YouBar's clients to obtain certification from the regulatory body directly due to the extensive hands-on compliance work required by the product manufacturer to ensure actual and ongoing compliance with this certification.