Large Machinery Efficiency Test Run for Nut Butter and Edible Cookie Dough (yields two jars)

Large Machinery Efficiency Test Run for Nut Butter and Edible Cookie Dough (yields two jars)

Regular price $ 690.00

Nut Butter and Edible Cookie Doughs 

Performing a large machinery efficiency test run is strongly recommended for all custom nut butter and cookie dough formulations prior to a first true production run. 

This test run allows YouBar's operations team to analyze the run speed and efficiency of 'flow-ability' of your product.

The below price is the price to perform the express large scale test per flavor / recipe.


*Please note that these prototypes are produced simply as a sample of a large scale run and so you will receive just two filled jars, and the jars are NOT custom printed for this test (they will have our plain R&D label). If your products 'fail' this test (ie; they don't run through our large scale machinery) we will recommend changes in order to fix this and run the test again. Lead time on this is just 4-8 weeks from the date of order to the date of the test or 2 weeks from the date that all of your ingredients (if you have special ingredients) arrive in our facility, whichever is later.