Bringing an Already-Developed Formula from Another Co-Packer/Developer to YouBar
Bringing an Already-Developed Formula from Another Co-Packer/Developer to YouBar
Bringing an Already-Developed Formula from Another Co-Packer/Developer to YouBar
Bringing an Already-Developed Formula from Another Co-Packer/Developer to YouBar

Bringing an Already-Developed Formula from Another Co-Packer/Developer to YouBar

Regular price $ 2,000.00

This development package is ideal for any company that has already launched their own nutrition brand, but is leaving their existing co-packer, or expanding from one existing co-packer to having more than one. 

This price includes the full process for bringing one custom recipe (for one flavor) in-house, including in-house formula testing and analysis (details below), and full compliance review for packaging.

First, you'll share with the YB team the existing formula for your product, including the names of the suppliers of ingredients, the specific recipe and the process for making the recipe (ie; types of equipment) Then, you'll work with our R&D team to make any necessary alterations to your formula and ingredients in order to ensure that it will run well in our facility. This often (but not always) involves some slight recipe reformulation in order to make it possible for your formula to run on our large scale equipment with our typical ingredient suppliers. Please be aware that this process is NOT available to any client who does not have their precise existing formula and their ingredient suppliers' ID codes.

You will receive one box of bench prototype samples (8 servings) during the in-housing process. (Up to two additional rounds with revisions are available free of charge if necessary.)

Then, after your in-housing work is complete, you'll work with our compliance team to finalize your customized packaging to ensure adherence to the most up-to-date food regulations.

*Please note that this price includes two hours of work from our compliance team and no refunds are available after work begins. Additional hours of compliance work and additional bench samples are always available on an hourly basis. In addition, this price includes utilizing any ingredients on our master ingredient list. A fee applies for us to source ingredients not on this list