This item allows you to achieve exactly the same longer shelf life on your product (as described in the above item), but does so in less time.
Accelerated shelf life testing will typically enable you to achieve (for example) a 1-year shelf life on your product in just 6 months, depending on your standards. (Please note that the 6-month result will be officially confirmed by the lab with automatic 'real time' testing at 12 months.)
This test does all of the testing as the Shelf Life Testing -- Real Time. In addition to these tests, we pull additional points at 35 ± 2°C and 45 ± 2°C based on the Q10 concept (the assumption that temperature directly impacts the rate of decay of the product particularly when it comes to rancidity).
It is important to note that accelerated shelf life studies are only predictions of extended shelf life and work as place holders until the real time shelf life study is completed.
This item can only be purchased in coordination with a true production run as it is the 'gold standard' in the industry to send product for testing only from a real run. Please make sure to purchase this item at least 2 weeks before your next production run in order to give QA the required advanced information to know to pull product from the run to send to the lab.